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Gillingham Wind Band
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Opera Day
Mrs Stokes
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Semley CE VA Primary School
Tom, Leo and Bron as the witches from Macbeth
Sam, Mia and Ailsa as the witches from Macbeth
Ludo, Misty and Charlie as the witches from Macbeth
Henry, Grace and Olive as the witches from Macbeth
Cosmo, Phoebe and Freddie as the witches from Macbeth
Arthur, Agatha and Flo as the witches from Macbeth
Lottie, Arlo and George as the witches from Macbeth
Tom, Leo & Bron's Maya city
Phoebe, George & Arlo's Maya city
Mia, Ailsa & Sam's Maya city
Ludo, Misty & Charlie's Maya city
Grace, Henry & Olive's Maya city
Freddie, Lottie & Cosmo's Maya city
Agatha, Arthur & Flo's Maya city
Charlie, Ludo and Henry's Dick Turpin Song
Freddie, Arlo, Cosmo, Arthur, Sam and Leo's Dick Turpin Song
George, Agatha, Flo and Ailsa's Dick Turpin Song
Grace, Olive, Rebekah and Mia's Dick Turpin Song
Lottie, Alice and Phoebe's Dick Turpin Song
Rory, Max and Tom's Dick Turpin Song
Space Song by George W, Drew and Toby
Space Song by William, Xander, Ned and Sam
Space Song by Rory, Tom, Freddie and Cosmo
Space Song by Olive and Phoebe
Space Song by Gracie-May, Maisie, Charlotte and Prim
Year 6 division guide
Year 6 multiplication guide
Year 6 subtraction guide
Year 6 addition guide
William, Xander, Olly and Henry explain coastal erosion!
Poppy, Tom and Tobias explain coastal erosion!
Max, Dorothy and Harry explain coastal erosion!
Gracie-May, Elsie, Sonny and Maisie explain coastal erosion!
Dragon's Den - Gracie-May, Elsie, Maisie and Sonny
Dragon's Den - Eloise, Dorothy, Max and Harry
Dragon's Den - Olly, Henry, William and Xander
Dragon's Den - Tom, Poppy and Tobias
Tom, Poppy and Tobias' innovated Tinga Tale
Max, Dorothy, Eloise and Harry's innovated Tinga Tale
Maisie, Gracie-May and Sonny's innovated Tinga Tale
Olly, Henry and William's innovated Tinga Tale
Henry, Harry, Eloise, Dorothy and Poppy 90s dance routine
Olly, Tom, Tobias, Max, William 90s dance routine
Elsie, Maisie and Gracie-May 90s dance routine